Whatever whatever whatever
Whatever whatever whatever
I~ya I~ya I~ya (Default)
い~やい~やい~や (Japanese)
Whatever whatever whatever (English)
Finished Airing
PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Unknown duration
1 episodes
137 members
Popularity #22,753


Whatever whatever whatever is an original song by Neru and z'5. It was uploaded to bilibili on November 11, 2017. The boy in the video is named I, and the girl in the video is named Yaya. This song quickly became popular, entering the Hall of Fame just a few days after its upload. It also entered the Hall of Legend, exceeded over 5 million YouTube views, and exceeded over 100,000 bilibili views. Hence, this is one of Neru's most notable songs, and one of the Kagamines' most notable duet songs. (Source: Vocaloid Wikia)

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